Ideas from our unit leaders:
1. Personal Progress Kick off Party!
At the start of the school year introduce a fun way of keeping track of Personal Progress like a pp moment on Sundays taking a minute to ask what people are working on or ask for experiences in pp. Or a flower vase that the yw can add a fake flower to every time they pass off a value goal. A cute poster board with each girls name and chart her progress.
2. Leader completes the pp with the YW, sharing ideas, experiences and talking about it often!
3. Personal Progress can include all the good things that the YW do in their lives already so when you sit down on mutual nights to talk about and chart and plan talk with each YW about the activities of her life and how those "GOOD" things are personal progress and can be passed off as such! They might have to write in journals or complete extra parts but it is a start and a good one! Let's make it obtainable.
4. Simple chocolate rewards if they finish a value goal. Again reminding and talking about it often so it is on the minds of the YW each week.
5. Choose a value of the month and all the mutual nights are planned around that value. Simple focus on personal progress and again talking about it often.
6. Enlist the help parents to followup and even complete pp with their YW. Maybe with a parents meeting or New Beginnings!
7. Include pp in every Sunday lesson calling attention to goals and even offering time for them to read and then begin the goal to them be completed later at a mutual night or Sunday.
The LDS website has great resources about Personal Progress and encouraging the YW.
Follow the link,17884,6884-1,00.html